EST. 2011

SML Gentlemen
SML's Chief

"Chief" is our beautiful Fox Red stud. He has a stellar pedigree. His brother was the second youngest fox red lab to receive his Junior Hunter title at only 10 months old in 2015. Chief is a proven stud who produces beautiful, driven pups, several of which are hunting in the field retrieving birds and competing! We couldn't be happier to have him in our program. Chief has a wonderful personality and is an absolute joy to be around.
SML's Lt. Dreben

Dreben is our charcoal male stud. He is a beauty! Dreben is out of Zoey x Chief litter. Dreben's has an excellent pedegree full of field trial champions. He follows in his parents footsteps with a wonderful drive to retrieve and an absolute love for water! From Dreben's drive to retrieve, his pleasing people personality, and his stellar pedigree, his pups are sure to make a great family pet and hunting partner!
SML's Duke

Duke is our black chocolate factored stud. He has the drive to fetch all day long and is very well behaved. He has the personality and temperament to produce service dog candidates, and is currently in training. Duke is clear of all genetic disease through Orivet! Duke has also had his OFA's completed and scored good/ normal Elbows and Hips. He loves people and gets along great with other dogs and cats. He draws attention and is a favorite wherever he goes.
SML's Rock'n Robo
Pic coming soon...
Robo is Our Silver Factored Chocolate Stud (also carrying yellow) out of our very own Bella x Duke litter! He has an amazing pedigree which includes field trial bloodlines, and is large and in charge! He has the strong natural drive but also a great off switch. He is very well rounded and we are looking forward to seeing what his puppies can do. Duke is clear of all genetic disease through Orivet! We are so excited to have him in our program!